Timur Kristóf Hi, I’m Timur. I’m a developer and electrical engineer who prefers quality over quantity. I currently contribute to the Linux open source graphics stack and other cool stuff.

I have a BSc in Electrical Engineering, but by the time I got my degree I had already been working as a software developer for several years, so I haven’t worked on electronics projects other than SMOG-1. These days I enjoy low-level development, which is why I work on a graphics driver. It is much more exciting than most of the “enterprisey” stuff that I had worked on previously.

Current work

I’m a subcontractor to Valve, working on the Linux open source graphics stack, primarily contributing to these parts of the Mesa project:

  • RADV ― a Vulkan driver for AMD Radeon GPUs
  • ACO ― a shader compiler back-end for such GPUs
  • NIR ― which is the common compiler infrastructure used by most Mesa drivers

Previous work

Here are some of the more interesting things I’ve worked on or contributed to over the past decade.

  • SMOG-1 ― Pico satellite created by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. I was responsible for the development of its on-board computer which coordinates all other subsystems. The satellite’s main task was to measure the electro-smog around planet Earth.
  • Sailfish OS ― Mobile operating system development, working as a subcontractor for Jolla. Contributed to UI and middleware components of the operating system.
  • Syngo ― Worked at the clinical solutions department of Evosoft Hungary, developed software for Siemens Healthineers medical devices in C#. These devices are widely used by the healthcare industry.
  • Sense/Net ― A long-long time ago I used to be a web developer at Sense/Net where I worked on several ECMS projects, building internet and intranet sites for big corporations.

Those that aren’t interesting and/or relevant anymore are not listed here.

How to contact me

You can find me on the OFTC IRC server as Venemo and on Discord under the sunrise_sky nickname, or by email at: timur (dot) kristof (at no spam) gmail (dot) com.